- cry=========**RayhanSaker is crying**
- wave========**RayhanSaker is waving**
- agree=======**RayhanSaker agrees**
- apologizes==**RayhanSaker apologizes**
- beg=========**RayhanSaker begs like a dog**
- blush=======**RayhanSaker blushes a lovely shade of red**
- bored=======**RayhanSaker is extremely bored**
- bow=========**RayhanSaker bow gracefully**
- cheer=======**RayhanSaker cheers**
- chuckle=====**RayhanSaker chuckles in amusement**
- duck========**RayhanSaker ducks out of the way**
- faint=======**RayhanSaker faints**
- flirt=======**RayhanSaker flirts with the room**
- frown=======**RayhanSaker frowns in disgust**
- groan=======**RayhanSaker groans loudly**
- hug=========**RayhanSaker gives everyone a big hug**
- laugh=======**RayhanSaker laughs out loud**
- listen======**RayhanSaker sits down and listens to the murmur around the
- mumble======**RayhanSaker mumbles incoherently**
- ponder======**RayhanSaker ponders the meaning of life**
- scream======**RayhanSaker screams in a mad fit**
- smile=======**RayhanSaker smiles happily**
- argh========**RayhanSaker screams loudly in frustration**
- bark========**RayhanSaker barks playfully. Ruff ruff!**
- bearhug=====**RayhanSaker is getting ready to bearhug.**
- blink=======**RayhanSaker blinks eyes in disbelief!**
- blowk=======**RayhanSaker blows a kiss**
- brb=========**RayhanSaker will be right back**
- burp========**RayhanSaker burps rudely**
- chuckle=====**RayhanSaker chuckles politely**
- comfort=====**RayhanSaker comforts RayhanSaker**(always give a username
</comfort username>)
- confuse=====**RayhanSaker is totally confused**
- congrat=====**RayhanSaker congratulates RayhanSaker**(always give a username
</congrat username>)
- cringe======**RayhanSaker cringes in terror**
- doh=========**RayhanSaker blinks, then slaps forehead and screams
- drool=======**RayhanSaker starts drooling all over the place**
- eek=========**RayhanSaker leaps onto a table and screams
- embrace=====**RayhanSaker gives everyone a warm and loving
- firebreath==**RayhanSaker performs a fire-breathing act!**
- kiss========**RayhanSaker puckers up - but who are you kissing
- fart========**RayhanSaker lets off a real rip-roarer. Eeww**
- french======**RayhanSaker gives RayhanSaker a deep and passionate kiss ...it
seems to take forever ...**(</french username>)
- gasp========**RayhanSaker gasps in astonishment!**
- giggle======**RayhanSaker giggles in a fit of uncontrollable
- glare=======**RayhanSaker fixes RayhanSaker with an icy glare!**(always give a
username </glare username>)
- gn==========**RayhanSaker waves and takes off for dream land**
- greet=======**RayhanSaker says "Hello all!!"**
- grin========**RayhanSaker grins evilly**
- happy=======**RayhanSaker can't resist smiling happily**
- hiccup======**RayhanSaker hiccups**
- hfive=======**RayhanSaker gives everyone a high five. Yeah!!**
- hmm=========**RayhanSaker humms and umms in deep thoughts**
- hold========**RayhanSaker holds RayhanSaker lovingly**(always give a username
</hold username>)
- howl========**RayhanSaker lets loose a blood curdling howl at the moon.
- hum=========**RayhanSaker begins to hum. dum dee doo..**
- lag=========**RayhanSaker is seriously lagging. Lagmonster strikes
- listen======**RayhanSaker listens attentively**
- love========**RayhanSaker seems to shine of internal peace, love and
- martian=====**RayhanSaker pulls out a ray gun and yells "Take me to your
- nod=========**RayhanSaker nods solemnly**
- pinch=======**RayhanSaker pinches RayhanSaker. Ouchhh!**(always give a username
</pinch username>)
- poke========**RayhanSaker pokes RayhanSaker in the ribs.**(always give a
username </poke username>)
- ponder======**RayhanSaker ponders the question of life, universe and
- purr========**RayhanSaker purrs contentedly. MMEEEOOOWWW!**
- rose========**RayhanSaker sends RayhanSaker a single, perfect, deep red rose.
@>--,--`--**(/rose username)
- ruffle======**RayhanSaker ruffles RayhanSaker's hair playfully.**(/ruffle
- salute======**RayhanSaker salutes smartly**
- seduce======**RayhanSaker really, really wants to be seduced**
- shiver======**RayhanSaker shivers from the cold. brrrrrrr~**
- shmoo=======**RayhanSaker dances around the room, spreading love and
- shrug=======**RayhanSaker shrugs helplessly**
- shy=========**RayhanSaker hides in a corner**
- sigh========**RayhanSaker lets out a long sigh.
- slap========**RayhanSaker slap RayhanSaker across the face. Ouch!**(/slap
- smirk=======**RayhanSaker smirks**
- sneeze======**RayhanSaker sneezes. Bless you!**
- snore=======**RayhanSaker fell asleep and started snoring loudly. Bzzzzzz
- snuggle=====**RayhanSaker snuggles up to RayhanSaker**(/snuggle
- spit========**RayhanSaker spits on the ground**
- spock=======**RayhanSaker raises an eyebrow**
- squirt======**RayhanSaker grabs a squirt gun and chases everyone around
squirting at them!**
- stare=======**RayhanSaker stares into space**
- strut=======**RayhanSaker struts around proudly**
- tag=========**RayhanSaker tags RayhanSaker and dance around with glee, shouting
"YOU'RE IT!!"**(/tag username)
- tantrum=====**RayhanSaker begins to scream, jumps up and down and bangs on the
floor in a fot of unhappiness**
- thank=======**RayhanSaker thanks you all whole-heartedly**
- whistle=====**RayhanSaker whistles appreciatively**
- whop========**RayhanSaker whips out a trusty pillow and WHOPS everyone upside
da head!**
- wink========**RayhanSaker winks suggestively. Ooooo ...**
- worship=====**RayhanSaker falls to the ground in shameless worship of the
creators from mig33**
- worthy======**RayhanSaker bows down to the ground screaming "I'M NOT
- yawn========**RayhanSaker yawns. How dull.**
- caff========**RayhanSaker bounces off the walls, buzzing on
- chicken=====**RayhanSaker lets out a 'be-GAWK!' as though RayhanSaker were a
chicken getting its tail feather plucked**
- eh==========**RayhanSaker is totally clueless. Eh?**
- honor=======**RayhanSaker is extremely honored**
- joy=========**Tears of joy form in RayhanSaker's eyes. Oh, how
- miss========**RayhanSaker has missed you all sooooooo much!**
- mmm=========**RayhanSaker drools. Mmmmm.....**
- gee=========**RayhanSaker can't believe it. GEEEEEEEE.**
- yeah========**Beaming, RayhanSaker started yelling 'YEAHHHH!'**
- beer========**RayhanSaker yells "I AM THIRSTYYYYY!!"**
- boo=========**RayhanSaker runs up behind RayhanSaker and screams
'BOOO!!!'**(/boo username)
- cmon========**RayhanSaker tells RayhanSaker to get a move on. 'Cmon!'**(/cmon
- drunk=======**RayhanSaker calls out "i'm SOOOOOOOOO drunk!"**
- loser=======**RayhanSaker admits, 'I'm a LOSER!' **
- moo=========**RayhanSaker moos like a cow**
- power=======**RayhanSaker yells, "I just can't do it Cap'n! I don't have the
- relax=======**RayhanSaker thinks everyone should relax**
- sick========**RayhanSaker is not feeling well**
- sorry=======**RayhanSaker apologises to everyone**
- warcry======**RayhanSaker lets out a loud warcry**
- phew========**RayhanSaker throws hands up in the air and say 'Phew! That was
- wohoo=======**RayhanSaker lets out an energetic, 'WOO HOO!'**
- tpyo========**RayhanSaker fumbles fingers helplessly across the
- mxit========**RayhanSaker is clueless. What is that?**